586 bce or 607 bce for the fall of Jerusalem? What scholars do agree to!
What scholars may not realise, with their 586 bce date, is that it knocks out several prophesies concerning the Messiah!, whereas, 607 bce agrees with Messianic prophesies!
Scholars agree that Babylon fell in 539 bce and that the Jews were in exile for 70 years, the Maths is not difficult to work out!
Babylon fell in 539 the Jews were given permission by the decree of Cyrus, that the they could return home to Jerusalem, a 2 years grace period ensued from 539 to 537, in 537 many Jews set out for Jerusalem.
537 plus 70 = 607 bce. This is problematic for scholars (see the other posts for a more detailed discussion on "586 or 607 bce?"
It would seem that scholars are trying to make the bible fit in with their theories, rathe than have their theories fit in with the bible!
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